Monday, October 20, 2014

Blue Ribbon School

Blue Ribbon Schools- Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Early College HS in Dallas, TX

About 28 schools from Texas have been awarded with the National Blue Ribbon Award. The highest ribbon award given. Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Early College High School at El Centro (formerly known as Middle College High School) is one of the schools out of three other schools in Dallas, Texas to be awarded with this coveted award. On Wednesday October 22, 2014 students in the Ambassador group at LECHS will have thier photo taken for being awarded the National Blue Ribbon. What is the National Blue Ribbon School Program?

The National Blue Ribbon Schools program has recognized great American schools since 1982. The program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Every year the U.S. Department of Education searches for schools that demonstrate the level of achievement that was previously mentioned. In their search, more than 7,500 schools have been presented with this award. "The National Blue Ribbon School Flag gracing an entry or flying overhead is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning."

In order to be eligible for the National Blue Ribbon school program, a public school must meet one of two requirements, while a non-public school has to meet only one requirement. For a public school the requirements are that they need to have a "High Performing" status, defined by the CSSO of each state. They also need to reach an exemplary "achievement gap closing", which is also defined by the CSSO of each state. For Non-public schools they need to have a "High Performing" status. 

The requirements seem easy to reach, but out of so many other schools across the nation it begins to get challenging. Out of all the schools that are nominated only 340 schools are recognized. 290 public schools and 50 non-public/private schools. They hold a ceremony in Washington D.C. to recognize these schools. This years ceremony will be held on November 10th and the 11th. During this ceremony the schools are awarded a plaque and a flag as a symbol of their status as a National Blue Ribbon School.  

The benefits of being recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School is that it "acknowledges and validates the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in striving for-and attaining-exemplary achievement." The responsibility of being recognized is that they "serve as models for other schools throughout the nation, and school personnel are often sought out as mentors." If you're wondering- Does National Blue Ribbon School status expire?, well your answer is no. However, school representatives must always use the year they were awarded when identifying their school.

For the complete list of all the schools that will be awarded for the National Blue Ribbon School Click Here

If you represent a public school and would like your school to be considered for a nomination, you may contact your National Blue Ribbon Schools state liaison. For a non-public school, you can contact the Council for American Private Education by E-mail: or by phone at +1-(301)-916-8460