Monday, January 5, 2015

Best Buy Annual Yellow Tag "Sale" Event

The holiday's mean tons of deals, deals that you didn't even know could exist, come out of nowhere. It's incredible how many deals you can find, that could save you a lot of money. However, there are also some deals that scam you into thinking that they're actually "deals". Nobody thinks to look at what the previous price might have been. Consumers just look at the price and if found reasonable they drop it their cart and continue to shop. Then when they've checked they look at the bottom of the receipt to find the "You Saved: $___" or something similar to that and feel satisfied with their shopping experience.

One of the many Holiday deals is Best Buy's Annual Yellow Tag Sale Event. This event usually happens after Christmas and ends early January. Their pitch is that you'll find "great deals on technology", "great prices on accessories", and other items that they sell.

From my experience Best Buy is a little pricey. Of course, it's expected because they sell technology and that's always going to be a little expensive. However, not only do they sell technology, but they also sell CD's, which I know a lot about- like the back of my hand. And honestly after this experience the only place I will buy my CD's are from Amazon and my local Half Price Books Store.

Last year I walked into the store, immediately going to the CD section, scanning for any albums that I needed. I found several and the prices seemed reasonable, $9.99. However, I was curious as to how much I was "saving". So I looked at the previous prices and to my surprise and disappointment, the albums were cheaper before the sale, $2.00 cheaper. Of course my local store really had nothing to do with this "sale". So I took the dilemma to the internet and it didn't turn out so well because the person I was speaking with obviously didn't want to understand what I was saying.

After that experience I stopped going to Best Buy altogether. However, I was curious as to if I was wrong and perhaps the support guy was right. NOPE! He wasn't because when I went back this year everything seemed to be the same. All albums that were marked down had actually been increased by $2.00. I for one don't like being gypped, but if you don't mind spending an extra $2 and being lied to, then by all means go shop at Best Buy's Annual Yellow Tag Sale Event. You'll be sure to spend a lot more than you actually thought you bargained for.