Monday, March 9, 2015

International Women's Day 2015

March 8 is known as International Women's Day. For the past century, since the first International Women's Day, Women have had a day to recognize themselves and their achievements. However, this year marks my first year knowing about this day. I cannot recall a single year were International Women's Day has been mentioned. Never have I heard a teacher, an older peer, or people in general make a big deal out of a March 8. It has always been just another day for me and I assume everyone else surrounding me.

Well now that I know about IWD (International Women's Day), starting from this day forward, I will no longer not be celebrating March 8. Although women should be celebrated everyday, it's nice to know that we have our own day to represent all that we have contributed to this world and how far we have come in our struggle for equality.

And even though we've come a long way, we should raise more awareness about female equality and equality for all in general because we have yet to reach its full potential. I feel like this years International Women's Day theme, Make It happen, is a great way to encourage others, specifically females, to advance in whatever they fancy. Be it becoming more "aware of women's equality, for more women in leadership roles, fairer recognition of women in sports, or for increased financial independence of women." We as women have to come together to make a better world for all to have equality.

If each and every one of us could try to make a difference in today's world, then tomorrow would be a brighter and better day. But it all starts with each and every one of us. So ask yourself, what would you be miserable without or what do want to be different in today's society. There are so many concerns that pop into my head. I can't list them all, only a few, to give you an idea as to what needs to be changed and bettered for our future.

Some Great things that have inspired me to take part on feminism are.

This photo series I found on Pinterest

  • This video is a great watch from CloudyApples about how we should all be treated as individuals and "shallow offerings coupled with expectations" are ridiculous and just outrageous. 
  • This piece from Buzzfeed about Indian widows who are breaking tradition by celebrating Holi 
  • Sarah Silverman teamed up with National Women's Law Center to bring forth a serious message about the wage gap for women. 
  • "Why U. S. Women Are Leaving Jobs Behind" is about U. S. mothers having to abandon their careers, in order to take care of their children. Unlike in most European countries were mothers just take time off and start back where they started from.  
  • And honestly, Emma Watson. She has so many great things to say and put out on the table for discussion. She uses her talents for something so big and great. It just makes me want to do more and/or equally the same. I love the fact that she doesn't abuse her power as a role model by wasting it on something so irrelevant and meaningless. I truly admire her and hope to be as inspiring to another.