Monday, March 9, 2015

International Women's Day 2015

March 8 is known as International Women's Day. For the past century, since the first International Women's Day, Women have had a day to recognize themselves and their achievements. However, this year marks my first year knowing about this day. I cannot recall a single year were International Women's Day has been mentioned. Never have I heard a teacher, an older peer, or people in general make a big deal out of a March 8. It has always been just another day for me and I assume everyone else surrounding me.

Well now that I know about IWD (International Women's Day), starting from this day forward, I will no longer not be celebrating March 8. Although women should be celebrated everyday, it's nice to know that we have our own day to represent all that we have contributed to this world and how far we have come in our struggle for equality.

And even though we've come a long way, we should raise more awareness about female equality and equality for all in general because we have yet to reach its full potential. I feel like this years International Women's Day theme, Make It happen, is a great way to encourage others, specifically females, to advance in whatever they fancy. Be it becoming more "aware of women's equality, for more women in leadership roles, fairer recognition of women in sports, or for increased financial independence of women." We as women have to come together to make a better world for all to have equality.

If each and every one of us could try to make a difference in today's world, then tomorrow would be a brighter and better day. But it all starts with each and every one of us. So ask yourself, what would you be miserable without or what do want to be different in today's society. There are so many concerns that pop into my head. I can't list them all, only a few, to give you an idea as to what needs to be changed and bettered for our future.

Some Great things that have inspired me to take part on feminism are.

This photo series I found on Pinterest

  • This video is a great watch from CloudyApples about how we should all be treated as individuals and "shallow offerings coupled with expectations" are ridiculous and just outrageous. 
  • This piece from Buzzfeed about Indian widows who are breaking tradition by celebrating Holi 
  • Sarah Silverman teamed up with National Women's Law Center to bring forth a serious message about the wage gap for women. 
  • "Why U. S. Women Are Leaving Jobs Behind" is about U. S. mothers having to abandon their careers, in order to take care of their children. Unlike in most European countries were mothers just take time off and start back where they started from.  
  • And honestly, Emma Watson. She has so many great things to say and put out on the table for discussion. She uses her talents for something so big and great. It just makes me want to do more and/or equally the same. I love the fact that she doesn't abuse her power as a role model by wasting it on something so irrelevant and meaningless. I truly admire her and hope to be as inspiring to another. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Renovations in Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas

I've lived and spent the majority of my eighteen years in North Oak Cliff. I live not even five minutes away from Downtown Dallas and right by 35, which is incredibly convenient. I've always loved where I lived because it's quiet, rarely do cars pass down the street, and it's incredibly centralized. However, I have a feeling that all this will change because of the revitalization of North Oak Cliff and I am absolutely against it and hate what's soon to become of North Oak Cliff.

I've seen what they've done to the Bishop Arts District and to say the least they made it ridiculously overpriced. All the shops and restaurants are incredibly expensive. To give an example, we use to go to this little hut-type-of-restaurant that served authentic Mexican tacos. They were absolutely amazing and I remember we use to go what felt like all the time, but then, and I don't mean to sound racist, the White people came along and ruined everything. What were once 99 cent tacos became $2.00 and the lines to get the tacos were too long! The tacos were great and all, but gosh did everybody have to show up and for $2.00? As if!

It was then that I realized that Bishop Arts District was changing and that I'd no longer taste those great barbacoa and lengua tacos ever again. Eight years later and my taste buds still miss the orgasmic taste (I'm being dramatic, I don't think they were that good, hahaha. Who knows though, I can't really remember). And I know it's not necessarily all their faults, they didn't tell the restaurant to raise the price, but if they didn't move in the area the restaurant would've been incredibly cheap, instead of overpriced.

Everything in the Bishop Arts District is overpriced though, and perhaps the reason is because they are all local and start-up businesses. However, they should really lower their prices. I honestly don't think they realize that Oak Cliff is not Lower Greenville or Uptown. Majority of people who live in the area are families, not young singles. And the majority, for the moment, are Hispanics who have jobs that barely provide enough for their families. Reason being why when you go to the Bishop Arts District all you see are young newlyweds, or much older people whose kids are long gone, who also happen to be mostly White and from the Kessler Park area.

Jim Lake Cos.
I don't have anything against the Bishop Arts District because I do like to walk around and window shop and imagine that one day I'll be able to shop at all the stores, eat at whatever restaurant without worrying how much I'm spending. What's bothering me now is that the city of Dallas wants to revitalize Jefferson Boulevard by making it like Bishop Arts. I saw the plans and they look great! I'm not gonna lie, but they also look very expensive and they want to add a lot of upscale apartments. It sort of feels like they're trying to make it look like Mockingbird Station.

I don't like, it if I wanted to be at Mockingbird Station, Lower Greenville, Uptown, or whatever, I'd go to those places. They should be preserving, cultivating Jefferson, with it's rich Hispanic culture, not try to change it into something that wasn't even there to begin with. All these upscale changes are going to burn a hole in taxpayers money. And the fact that they're making upscale apartments bothers me immensely. The city should invest in making more single-home houses and renovating old homes that have even the least potential. Even if it's more expensive to do so.

I'm not against change, I can easily adapt to any environment, but this all just sounds and seems SO ridiculous. For the moment being I cannot see how this will benefit all those who have grown up in North Oak Cliff. The only thing I can see is another upscale area in Dallas, that will eventually kick out everybody who cannot afford to stay.

The comments on these articles seem to agree that this seems like a bad idea.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Best Buy Annual Yellow Tag "Sale" Event

The holiday's mean tons of deals, deals that you didn't even know could exist, come out of nowhere. It's incredible how many deals you can find, that could save you a lot of money. However, there are also some deals that scam you into thinking that they're actually "deals". Nobody thinks to look at what the previous price might have been. Consumers just look at the price and if found reasonable they drop it their cart and continue to shop. Then when they've checked they look at the bottom of the receipt to find the "You Saved: $___" or something similar to that and feel satisfied with their shopping experience.

One of the many Holiday deals is Best Buy's Annual Yellow Tag Sale Event. This event usually happens after Christmas and ends early January. Their pitch is that you'll find "great deals on technology", "great prices on accessories", and other items that they sell.

From my experience Best Buy is a little pricey. Of course, it's expected because they sell technology and that's always going to be a little expensive. However, not only do they sell technology, but they also sell CD's, which I know a lot about- like the back of my hand. And honestly after this experience the only place I will buy my CD's are from Amazon and my local Half Price Books Store.

Last year I walked into the store, immediately going to the CD section, scanning for any albums that I needed. I found several and the prices seemed reasonable, $9.99. However, I was curious as to how much I was "saving". So I looked at the previous prices and to my surprise and disappointment, the albums were cheaper before the sale, $2.00 cheaper. Of course my local store really had nothing to do with this "sale". So I took the dilemma to the internet and it didn't turn out so well because the person I was speaking with obviously didn't want to understand what I was saying.

After that experience I stopped going to Best Buy altogether. However, I was curious as to if I was wrong and perhaps the support guy was right. NOPE! He wasn't because when I went back this year everything seemed to be the same. All albums that were marked down had actually been increased by $2.00. I for one don't like being gypped, but if you don't mind spending an extra $2 and being lied to, then by all means go shop at Best Buy's Annual Yellow Tag Sale Event. You'll be sure to spend a lot more than you actually thought you bargained for. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm in!

I called my brother today to ask for a favor. He then notified me that I recieved an envelope from London. The first question that came to mind was, "Is it a big envelpoe or a small envelope?". I asked and he told me it's a big envelope. I could hear in his voice that he was proud of me and that made feel happy. However, I told myself, "You don't know for sure, yet. So don't get too excited." 

My Gofundme Link is

Two hours later he came and brought the envelope with him. Right after he handed it to me I put my finger underneath the flap and opened it. I didn't even wait for my parents. I knew for a fact I was accepted.

I guess this means it's meant for me to go to London, that is if I can come up with $25K before July 1st. Hahaha. So keep me in you're prayers or better yet I will accept donations, haha.

Sidenote: The picture quality in these pictures are horrendous! I have horrible lighting in my room.

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Struggle of Paying for My Dream University

Ohh, how fast the years have passed. It wasn't too long ago that I just entered high school. Now I'm applying to universities and I just can't believe it- I'm old! Hahaha, kidding, not really I do feel old. Especially when I'm comparing it to my childhood years.

I'm applying to eight universities because I only get eight fee waivers for the application fee. My original goal was to apply to like twenty universities, but at the moment I wasn't thinking about the application fees. Now I realize, its not free to apply, so out of twenty schools I narrowed down the list to eight.

Out of those eight my first choice is Richmond The American International University in London. I'm so nervous. I honestly, feel like every school I apply to, except for maybe two, will REJECT me. I wouldn't be suprised, haha. Honestly though even if I do get accepted to my first choice, I more and likely will have to get a SHITE load of loans, which is exactly why I didn't want to go to college in the first place, because of the expense.

I mean, I don't have to go college- it's my choice. But in reality if I don't go I know that I won't be able to experience the same things if I were to go straight to a 9-5 job. But then again at least I'd be making money, which is what the world kinda revolves around. I mean for God sakes I wanna go to college to be a Journalist. I'm pretty positive most journalist don't have secure jobs and don't make enough money to to be considered middle class. Unless they're really good writers, and I have a feeling that I'm not that great of a writer.

I feel like I'm just going to make some memories, and waste all my money. So hopefully a large sum of money comes along my way were I don't have to pay it back or something along those lines because seriously money is my main issue. Especially for my first choice. The reason being since its in London I have to get my visa, but before I do that I have to pay 60% of the tuition.

That 60% is what's killing me. It's not the flight or visa really because that's just an extra $1,200 and I know I can come up with that in a short period of time. But to come up with $31,200 in lets say six months. It's insanity! But I REALLY wanna go to that school. It'd be a dream come true.

Who knows though I mean 'what's meant to be, is meant to be', right? Who knows, maybe I'll have to sell my soul and a kidney, but all I know is that I will go to that school, if they accept me, of course. And if they don't then it's a sure sign that it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully the odds are on my side though.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Blue Ribbon School

Blue Ribbon Schools- Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Early College HS in Dallas, TX

About 28 schools from Texas have been awarded with the National Blue Ribbon Award. The highest ribbon award given. Dr. Wright L. Lassiter, Jr. Early College High School at El Centro (formerly known as Middle College High School) is one of the schools out of three other schools in Dallas, Texas to be awarded with this coveted award. On Wednesday October 22, 2014 students in the Ambassador group at LECHS will have thier photo taken for being awarded the National Blue Ribbon. What is the National Blue Ribbon School Program?

The National Blue Ribbon Schools program has recognized great American schools since 1982. The program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Every year the U.S. Department of Education searches for schools that demonstrate the level of achievement that was previously mentioned. In their search, more than 7,500 schools have been presented with this award. "The National Blue Ribbon School Flag gracing an entry or flying overhead is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning."

In order to be eligible for the National Blue Ribbon school program, a public school must meet one of two requirements, while a non-public school has to meet only one requirement. For a public school the requirements are that they need to have a "High Performing" status, defined by the CSSO of each state. They also need to reach an exemplary "achievement gap closing", which is also defined by the CSSO of each state. For Non-public schools they need to have a "High Performing" status. 

The requirements seem easy to reach, but out of so many other schools across the nation it begins to get challenging. Out of all the schools that are nominated only 340 schools are recognized. 290 public schools and 50 non-public/private schools. They hold a ceremony in Washington D.C. to recognize these schools. This years ceremony will be held on November 10th and the 11th. During this ceremony the schools are awarded a plaque and a flag as a symbol of their status as a National Blue Ribbon School.  

The benefits of being recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School is that it "acknowledges and validates the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in striving for-and attaining-exemplary achievement." The responsibility of being recognized is that they "serve as models for other schools throughout the nation, and school personnel are often sought out as mentors." If you're wondering- Does National Blue Ribbon School status expire?, well your answer is no. However, school representatives must always use the year they were awarded when identifying their school.

For the complete list of all the schools that will be awarded for the National Blue Ribbon School Click Here

If you represent a public school and would like your school to be considered for a nomination, you may contact your National Blue Ribbon Schools state liaison. For a non-public school, you can contact the Council for American Private Education by E-mail: or by phone at +1-(301)-916-8460

Monday, September 22, 2014

New Blog- Saying goodbye to Linda Valdez

I'm gonna start a personal blog. I have another blog, but it's mostly about my music experiences and I mainly write about music I like and listen to. Anyhow, I've decided to make a personal blog because I feel like it'd be more open and I'd be able to write about anything that happens to cross my mind and what not. Another reason why I wanted to make this blog is because I feel like with me writing 'bout whatever I want I'd be able to practice my writing skills in almost anything.

So with that being said I'm gonna go ahead and start working on my first blog, which was actually assigned to me by Marisa Treviño. Marisa is the publisher of Latina Lista, a site that delivers Hispanic news in English rather than Spanish. She's also an editor, CEO/president, and a new media consultant. The assignment she gave me was to interview and write about one of the administrators at my high school. The administrator she asked me to interview was Linda Valdez.

Linda Valdez works as a Parent Liaison at Dr. Wright L. Lassister Early College High School for DISD. LECHS for short because honestly the former is just too damn long- "Ain't nobody got time for that!", hahaha. Her role as a Parent Liaison is to emphasize the importance of parent involvement in promoting school success and empowering parents to become active in their child's education.  

I walked in the office and took a seat in front of Mrs. Valdez. The office was pretty quiet when I came in. Everybody was working on their own thing. After I sat my things down a student came in, feeling under the weather and was wanting to go home. A simple office duty nothing major. So I didn't get to see Mrs. Valdez at her best moment, which is being a Parent Liaison. But then again being a Parent Liaison is not only about helping students one on one, its about finding students opportunities in the community and getting their parents involved. 

I've heard stories of how her school groups do many activities that help the community and give students many opportunities. I'm not one of these students simply because I choose not be a part of it. However, I know that if I were a part of any of her school groups I'd have great stories and experiences to share on a more personal level. So all I can write about is from what others have told me and my assumptions, which are that being in any of her sponsored groups will give you many connections and valuable experiences that are useful for the future.

Mrs. Valdez was brought up in a very strict household, with a lot of morals and values, church, and school. Her upbringings are what lead her to be who she is today and they've helped her help so many other people along the way. The journey began when she retired from the City of Dallas. After a year and a half it started to become a bore, so she set off in search for a job that gave her free summers, which lead her to start working at LECHS (formally known as Middle College High School) as a principal clerk. She thought at most she'd work only for about three years, but within those years she was promoted to be a Parent Liaison, and with her use to working all the time she didn't mind taking on these tasks. 

In the end the accomplishments of some of the students she has helped makes the past fourteen years worth it. She has gotten many kids scholarships and into universities that they didn't think they could get into. Along the way she learned how to help students and the importance of community service and encouraging these students when no one else was. She has learned that she has to give a lot of her time in order to help these students. And what better way to give back than to do it by using what she already knows and her previous experiences. 

Being a Parent Liaison was more than she expected, but the kids are what has kept her motivated. Former students call and tell her all their accomplishments, and for her to know that she was a part of their lives and gave them the resources they needed to strive and be successful gives her a sense of fulfillment and pride for the students. They've learnt that you need to "roll your sleeves and work hard", no matter if it benefits you or others who cross your path, its always good to help others. 

During her retirement she plans to take more vacations, specifically to Florida. She's absolutely in love with Florida and if she could she'd move there and spend the rest of her years in Destin, Florida. I've never heard of Destin, Florida, but I saw some pictures and it looks amazing and incredibly beautiful. 

It sucks that we have to say goodbye to Mrs. Valdez. She's given many students inspiration to keep learning, to serve your community, and to never give up. Without her nothing will be the same and hopefully the next person to take her place succeeds and puts their heart and soul in being a Parent Liaison just as Mrs. Valdez has. 

 "You haven't lived till you go to Florida"- Linda Valdez

"It's possible to reach the unreachable."- Linda Valdez