Friday, November 28, 2014

The Struggle of Paying for My Dream University

Ohh, how fast the years have passed. It wasn't too long ago that I just entered high school. Now I'm applying to universities and I just can't believe it- I'm old! Hahaha, kidding, not really I do feel old. Especially when I'm comparing it to my childhood years.

I'm applying to eight universities because I only get eight fee waivers for the application fee. My original goal was to apply to like twenty universities, but at the moment I wasn't thinking about the application fees. Now I realize, its not free to apply, so out of twenty schools I narrowed down the list to eight.

Out of those eight my first choice is Richmond The American International University in London. I'm so nervous. I honestly, feel like every school I apply to, except for maybe two, will REJECT me. I wouldn't be suprised, haha. Honestly though even if I do get accepted to my first choice, I more and likely will have to get a SHITE load of loans, which is exactly why I didn't want to go to college in the first place, because of the expense.

I mean, I don't have to go college- it's my choice. But in reality if I don't go I know that I won't be able to experience the same things if I were to go straight to a 9-5 job. But then again at least I'd be making money, which is what the world kinda revolves around. I mean for God sakes I wanna go to college to be a Journalist. I'm pretty positive most journalist don't have secure jobs and don't make enough money to to be considered middle class. Unless they're really good writers, and I have a feeling that I'm not that great of a writer.

I feel like I'm just going to make some memories, and waste all my money. So hopefully a large sum of money comes along my way were I don't have to pay it back or something along those lines because seriously money is my main issue. Especially for my first choice. The reason being since its in London I have to get my visa, but before I do that I have to pay 60% of the tuition.

That 60% is what's killing me. It's not the flight or visa really because that's just an extra $1,200 and I know I can come up with that in a short period of time. But to come up with $31,200 in lets say six months. It's insanity! But I REALLY wanna go to that school. It'd be a dream come true.

Who knows though I mean 'what's meant to be, is meant to be', right? Who knows, maybe I'll have to sell my soul and a kidney, but all I know is that I will go to that school, if they accept me, of course. And if they don't then it's a sure sign that it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully the odds are on my side though.

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